
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Indiana Christmas

This winter I am trying to use things... instead of letting them sit in boxes. I pulled out my scrap box yesterday and made a tree skirt out of leftover felt from my time teaching, corduroy from pants... now too small. Linen from our first apartments curtains. and a few other pieces from favorite shirts and sweaters (including the one I used to say made me look like an elf- it was time)
It's actually a little fuller than when I took this photo earlier today, when i find another scrap I like, I plug in my glue gun and so it grows.

Chris and I are talking about simplifying more than ever. What it would feel like to sell everything... really- everything but a few treasured items and outfits.. I have been wondering how much of what I have is currently a distraction from a fuller understanding of and contentment in the Lord- how much of it is a distraction.

So.. maybe the tree skirt will be for sale in the spring- actually- I would sell it now if your interested :)

Pursuing Peace*

1 comment:

  1. this is absolutely beautiful, Anna! I love your creativity!
